I. The director of motor vehicles may adopt rules pursuant to RSA 260:5 to establish 2 different uniform point systems for separately identifying automobile dealers and inspection stations which have violated the provisions of this title or rules adopted under this title. The rules shall include a designated level of point accumulation which so identifies automobile dealers and inspection stations.
   II. The director may assess points for violations of this title or rules adopted pursuant to this title which have been found by a court of law or a hearing officer to have been violated. Notice of the assessment of points shall be given in accordance with the rules adopted by the director.
   III. In the case of a conviction or finding against a dealer or inspection station of 2 or more violations committed on a single occasion, such dealer or inspection station shall be assessed points for one offense only, under each separate point system if the same entity holds both a dealer's registration, license, or privileges, and inspection station privileges. If the offenses have different point values, the dealer or inspection station shall be assessed for the offense having the greater point value.
   IV. The director may suspend or revoke the dealer's registration, license, or privileges, or in the case of an inspection station the inspection station privileges, in accordance with the rules adopted under this section. The rules shall provide a mechanism for reduction of points for a dealer or inspection station that has completed a training course approved by the director.
   V. The director may distinguish between larger and smaller dealers and inspection stations in establishing the point system. For the purposes of the point system established under this section, an inspection station may not be liable for violations committed by an individual mechanic if the mechanic deliberately commits an action that is contrary to the law, the rules of the department, or the policies and procedures of the station.
   VI. Both point systems authorized under this section shall only count points for violations committed within the 3 most recent calendar years and shall only count violations that are committed on or after the effective date of the rules adopted under this section.
Source. 2007, 372:1, eff. July 18, 2007.