I. Any retail vehicle dealer as defined in RSA 259:89-a who engages in the motor vehicle business, and who maintains in operating condition and in operation an established place of business which meets the signage requirements of paragraph II, may make application to the department upon blanks furnished by it for that purpose, for a general distinguishing number for vehicles owned by such dealer, provided that:
      (a) The business location is where the retail vehicle dealer does a major portion of business during normal business hours; and
      (b) Such business location is capable of storing and displaying motor vehicles indoors, in one building, in an area of at least 1,200 contiguous square feet.
   II. An established place of business shall clearly and conspicuously display the business name of the dealer in letters no less than 10 inches in height, unless prohibited by local zoning. Such business signage shall be clearly visible from a traveling vehicle on the adjacent public way, unless an obstruction exists which cannot be remedied.
Source. 1905, 86:3. 1911, 133:4. 1917, 229:4. 1921, 119:4. 1923, 75:10. PL 100:36. RL 116:46. 1947, 177:2. RSA 260:45. 1963, 273:2. 1981, 146:1; 1997, 179:8, eff. Jan. 1, 1998.