Notwithstanding RSA 261:45, a nonresident who garages a vehicle primarily in this state may register such vehicle in this state as a nonresident. A vehicle is garaged primarily in this state if it is garaged in this state for at least 350 days of the registration year. No exemption from the payment of a permit fee shall be granted by reason of nonresidence except by the director, who shall in all cases require proof satisfactory to him or her of residence elsewhere, and of the liability of a nonresident owner, otherwise entitled to such exemption, to pay a property tax on the vehicle for the current year in the state of his or her residence.
Source. 1921, 120:6. PL 100:20. RL 116:26. RSA 260:35. 1978, 40:17. 1979, 135:3. 1981, 146:1; 479:19, eff. Jan. 1, 1982, at 12:01 a.m. 2007, 53:1, eff. July 21, 2007.