I. A resident owner of construction equipment, or a nonresident owner of such equipment who has a bona fide actual residence in a state granting like privileges to residents of this state shall not be required to register such equipment in this state if used at worksites and trailered from location to location or to cross highways to access contiguous property. To register construction equipment, as defined under RSA 259:42, the fee shall be $25 except for the following rubber-tired equipment; excavators, front end loaders, backhoes, graders, or construction equipment towed on a permanent trailer, such as a generator, which shall be assessed based on weight utilizing the following scale: for equipment that weighs up to 7,500 lbs., the fee shall be $25; for equipment from 7,501 lbs. to 15,000 lbs., the fee shall be $50; for equipment from 15,001 lbs. to 50,000 lbs., the fee shall be $100; for equipment from 50,001 lbs. to 80,000 lbs., the fee shall be $200; and for all equipment over 80,000 lbs., the fee shall be $300.
   II. Owners of implements of husbandry shall not be required to register such implements in this state.
Source. 1939, 189:6. RL 116:10. RSA 260:13. 1981, 146:1. 1989, 305:5. 1999, 265:3, eff. Sept. 10, 1999.