I. A truck, truck-tractor or tractor shall qualify for agricultural registration rates and number plates and shall be driven with such registration only within a 20 mile radius from the main entrance to the farm upon which said vehicle is driven, and may be used for the following purposes:
      (a) Transportation of agricultural products for delivery to storage or to market or to carriers for transportation to market.
      (b) Non-commercial hauling of firewood harvested on the farm.
      (c) Hauling animals, hay, fertilizer, feed, livestock, poultry, agricultural supplies, farm workers or other supplies or farm products in connection with the registrant's farming operation.
      (d) Hauling household rubbish or garbage from the farm to a disposal site.
      (e) Hauling or towing implements of husbandry.
   II. Notwithstanding the limitations set forth in paragraph I, a vehicle registered under this section may be used to transport animals and agricultural products to agricultural fairs and exhibits for exhibition purposes only.
   III. A vehicle registered under this section shall not be used for the purpose of transporting goods for sale or hire, including the common or contract carriage of freight or merchandise, or for commuting to and from a place of employment, or for leisure activities.
   IV. This section shall be construed as authorizing the holder of agricultural plates to operate the vehicle while it is empty so long as it is being used generally to accomplish the purposes allowed in this section, and to transport within such vehicle incidental personal property such as food, tools, and clothing.
   V. To be eligible for the issuance of an agricultural vehicle registration, the applicant shall sign the following form which the treasurer of a city or such other official as the city government may designate or the town clerk shall provide. This form shall be provided to the applicant upon request without further evidence from the applicant that the plate shall be used for purposes of this section.
I, the undersigned, fully understand the limitations concerning the use of trucks, tractor-trucks, or tractors registered under RSA 261:82, and hereby certify that my vehicle will be used only for agricultural and farming purposes and uses incidental thereto, within a 20 mile radius of the main entrance of the farm upon which the vehicle is to be driven. |
   Copies to:
      Town or City Clerk
Source. 1905, 86:2, 3. 1909, 154:1, 2. 1911, 133:26. 1913, 81:6; 171:1, 2. 1915, 129:8. 1917, 229:7. 1919, 161:6. 1921, 119:25. 1923, 75:11. 1925, 87:1; 137:1. PL 102:1. 1927, 53:2; 94:1. 1933, 170:2. 1935, 45:1; 73:5. 1939, 48:1; 66:1; 132:5, 6; 161:1, 2; 189:4; 190:8. RL 118:1. 1945, 48:1. 1947, 107:2; 118:1; 177:7; 273:1, 2. 1949, 37:1. 1951, 24:1; 144:2. 1953, 76:1; 252:1, 2, 6. RSA 262:1. 1955, 144:1. 1957, 235:1. 1965, 240:3. 1971, 113:1. 1977, 314:5; 487:3. 1978, 38:1. 1981, 146:1; 320:1, 2. 1982, 12:1. 1985, 213:9. 1986, 24:1. 1991, 77:1, 2, eff. July 12, 1991.