I. A New Hampshire conservation number plate advisory committee is hereby established. The conservation number plate advisory committee shall be composed of the following:
      (a) The commissioner of cultural resources, or designee.
      (b) The executive director of fish and game, or designee.
      (c) The chairperson of the state conservation committee or designee.
      (d) The commissioner of resources and economic development, or designee.
      (e) The commissioner of safety, or designee.
      (f) Three house members appointed by the speaker of the house.
      (g) Three senators appointed by the president of the senate.
   II. The first appointed house member shall act as chairperson of the committee.
   III. The committee shall:
      (a) Jointly determine the plate design with final approval by the commissioner of safety. The commissioner of safety shall establish a numbering system and method of distribution.
      (b) Register the design with the secretary of state. The commissioner of safety, with the approval of the governor and council, shall have the authority to enter into contractual arrangements for the commercial use of the conservation plate design. Any royalties derived from such contracts shall be deposited into the conservation trust fund created under RSA 261:97-b.
      (c) Monitor the implementation of the program through an annual evaluation of projects accomplished during the preceding year and an assessment, prior to implementation, of projects proposed for the coming year to ensure that they are in accordance with legislative intent.
      (d) Oversee the appropriate signage of funded projects. Agencies receiving funds under this section shall mount signs at funded project sites indicating that the project was funded by the New Hampshire conservation number plate program. The sign requirement may be waived in the case of environmentally sensitive projects where signage could be detrimental to the success of the project.
   IV. The committee shall meet at least annually, but more often if necessary. The members shall serve without compensation, except that legislative members of the committee shall receive mileage at the legislative rate. The committee chairperson shall appoint a secretary from within the committee to keep a detailed record of all proceedings.
   V. Any vacant position shall be filled by the appropriate authority.
   VI. All proceeds from the sale of products using the conservation number plate design by an agency authorized to receive proceeds from the trust fund created under RSA 261:97-c may be retained by such agency.
   VII. It shall be the duty of legislative members of the committee to initiate appropriate legislation to ensure that the purposes and goals of the conservation number plate program are being achieved.
Source. 1998, 20:2; 363:3, eff. Aug. 25, 1998.