I. The members representing the department of transportation, the department of cultural resources, the department of fish and game, the state conservation committee, the department of resources and economic development, and the department of safety shall each submit a report to the New Hampshire conservation number plate advisory committee chairperson no later than October 1 of each year. The committee chairperson shall compile the 6 reports as a unified report and submit the unified report to the governor, senate president, and the speaker of the house no later than December 31 of each year.
   II. The unified report shall contain the following:
      (a) A report from the department of safety indicating:
         (1) The total number of conservation number plates sold during the preceding year, including the number of initial plates and the number of renewals.
         (2) The gross revenue derived from the sale of conservation number plates.
         (3) The amount retained by the department of safety to cover administrative costs of the program.
         (4) The amount paid to the state treasurer for deposit into the New Hampshire conservation number plate trust fund during the preceding fiscal year.
      (b) A report from each of the 5 agencies receiving proceeds under RSA 261:97-c, indicating:
         (1) The amount of proceeds received under RSA 261:97-c.
         (2) Total funds expended.
         (3) Accomplishments achieved pursuant to RSA 261:97-c during the preceding fiscal year.
         (4) An outline of the projects and programs to be conducted in the ensuing fiscal year with proceeds from the fund.
Source. 1998, 20:2; 363:3, eff. Aug. 25, 1998.