It shall be a misdemeanor for any person to:
   I. Display or cause or permit to be displayed any revoked, suspended, fictitious or fraudulently altered driver's license or permit.
   II. Lend his driver's license or permit to any other person or knowingly permit the unlawful use thereof by another.
   III. Display or represent as one's own any driver's license or permit not issued to him by proper authority.
   IV. Fail or refuse to surrender to a member of the department upon his lawful demand any driver's license or permit which has been suspended, revoked or cancelled.
   V. Use a fictitious or false name in any application for a driver's license or permit or knowingly make a false statement, or knowingly conceal a material fact or otherwise commit a fraud in any such application.
   VI. Manufacture, advertise for sale, sell, or possess any fictitious, facsimile or simulated license to drive a motor vehicle.
   VII. Photograph, photostat, duplicate, or in any manner reproduce any license to drive a motor vehicle or facsimile thereof in such a manner that it could be mistaken for a valid license, or have in his possession any such photograph, photostat, duplicate, reproduction or facsimile unless specifically authorized by the director.
   VIII. Manufacture, advertise for sale, sell, or possess any fictitious, facsimile or simulated non-driver's identification card provided under RSA 260:21.
   IX. Photograph, photostat, duplicate, or in any manner reproduce any official non-driver's identification card or facsimile thereof, in such a manner that it could be mistaken for a valid identification card issued under RSA 260:21, or have in his possession any such photograph, photostat, duplicate, reproduction or facsimile unless authorized by the director.
   X. Knowingly scan, record, retain, or store, in any electronic form or format, personal information, as defined in RSA 260:14, obtained from any license, unless authorized by the department. Nothing in this paragraph shall prohibit a person from transferring, in non-electronic form or format, personal information contained on the face of a license to another person, provided that the consent of the license holder is obtained if the transfer is not to a law enforcement agency. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any person selling alcohol or tobacco who uses due diligence in checking identification to prevent unauthorized sales and purchases of alcohol and tobacco shall not be held responsible for the acceptance of fraudulent identification. Where due diligence is exercised on the part of the seller, the unauthorized purchaser shall be liable for any penalty or fine resulting from the unauthorized sale.
Source. RSA 261:22-a, 22-b. 1963, 150:1. 1973, 528:137. 1981, 146: 479:41; 479:22. 2002, 242:1, eff. Jan. 1, 2003.