Before issuing a license to any person who has not been previously licensed to drive a motor vehicle in this state, the department shall inform the applicant of the following:
   I. It is unlawful to drive with an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more, or, in the case of a person under 21 years of age, 0.02 or more.
   I-a. It is unlawful for any person to manufacture, possess, have under his or her control, sell, purchase, prescribe, administer, or transport or possess with intent to sell, dispense, or compound any controlled substance, except as authorized by law.
   II. The penalties for violations of the DWI laws.
   III. The administrative license suspension penalties for a refusal to take, or a failure to complete, a preliminary breath test or, upon arrest, any physical or chemical test for the purpose of determining a level of alcohol in your system.
   IV. The fee for reissuance of a driver's license after suspension for any of the reasons stated above.
   V. The penalties for unlawful transportation of an alcoholic beverage by a person under 21.
   VI. The penalties for unlawful possession of an alcoholic beverage by a person under 21.
   VII. Any other information concerning driving responsibility that the director deems necessary.
Source. 1997, 323:1, eff. Aug. 22, 1997. 2006, 143:1, eff. July 21, 2006.