I. Any person convicted of a violation of RSA 265-A:2, II or RSA 630:2 or RSA 630:3, or RSA 631:1, RSA 631:2, RSA 631:2-a, or RSA 631:3 when the offense was committed by means of his or her operation or attempted operation of a boat shall not operate a boat on the waters of this state for a period of one year from the date of his or her conviction, whether or not such conviction is appealed. Any person operating or attempting to operate a boat during such a period is guilty of a misdemeanor.
   II. Any person convicted of a violation of RSA 265-A:2, II who at the time of the violation was transporting a person under the age of 16 shall not operate a boat on the waters of this state until the offender has successfully completed a 7-day program at the state operated multiple DWI offender program or an equivalent 7-day residential intervention program approved by the department of health and human services at the person's own expense. Any person operating a boat in violation of this paragraph is guilty of a misdemeanor.
   III. Any conviction under this section shall be reported to the commissioner of the department of safety, division of motor vehicles, and shall become a part of the motor vehicle driving record of the person convicted.
   IV. Any person who is convicted of a violation of RSA 265-A:2, II shall be subject to the same penalties as a person convicted of a violation of RSA 265-A:2, I as specified in RSA 265-A:18. Any person who is convicted of a violation of paragraph II of this section shall be subject to the same penalties as a person convicted of a violation of RSA 265-A:3 as specified in RSA 265-A:18.
   V. [Repealed.]
Source. 2006, 260:1, eff. Jan. 1, 2007. 2008, 316:5, eff. July 2, 2008.