I. Any person whose license or permission to drive has been revoked or suspended for an aggravated DWI offense under RSA 265-A:18, I(b) or I(c), or a subsequent DWI offense under RSA 265-A:18, IV shall be required by the court after the period of revocation or suspension to install an ignition interlock device as defined in RSA 259:43-a in any vehicle registered to that person or used by that person on a regular basis, for not less than 12 months nor more than 2 years. Installation and monitoring costs shall be paid by the offender. A certificate proving installation of the device shall be provided to the division of motor vehicles as a condition precedent to reinstatement of the individual's license to drive, and the division may mark the person's license and the person's number plate by use of a striping sticker accordingly.
   I-a. Any person who is convicted of driving while under suspension or revocation resulting from a DWI offense shall be required by the court to install an ignition interlock device in any vehicle registered to that person or used by that person on a regular basis, for the remaining period of suspension or revocation plus an additional period not less than 12 months nor more than 2 years. The court may order such installation on a temporary basis prior to conviction as a condition of bail.
   I-b. To the extent that technology does not exist to permit the installation or safe operation of any particular vehicle type when equipped with an interlock, the court may order that a restraining device which disables the vehicle be placed on any such vehicle registered to or used on a regular basis by a person required to install an ignition interlock device.
   II. Nothing in this section shall prohibit a court of competent jurisdiction from requiring the installation of an ignition interlock device for any person convicted of a violation of RSA 265-A:2 involving a vehicle, where the conviction is not based upon a complaint which alleges prior convictions as provided in RSA 265-A:18, IV, but the person is found to have had one or more such prior convictions in this state or in an out-of-state jurisdiction.
   III. Any person under the age of 21 whose license or permission to drive has been revoked or suspended under RSA 265-A:18 may be required by the court after the period of revocation or suspension to install an ignition interlock device as defined in RSA 259:43-a in any vehicle registered to that person or used by that person on a regular basis, until the age of 21 or for not less than 12 months, whichever is longer.
   IV. An ignition interlock device may not be sold or distributed in this state without the device being approved by the commissioner or the department of safety.
   V. The department of safety shall establish rules, pursuant to RSA 541-A, for the approval of ignition interlock devices and for the licensing of approved interlock service providers.
   VI. The commissioner shall adopt rules and regulations to create an ignition interlock program that will control the delivery of interlock service in this state under this subdivision. The rules adopted for the licensing of approved interlock service providers shall require that each provider, at a minimum:
      (a) Provide recalibration of each device within 30 days of installation and every 60 days thereafter, unless otherwise ordered by the court;
      (b) Maintain at least that number of locations across the state for the installation, service, calibration, and monitoring of an ignition interlock device as might be required from time to time by the program operating protocol developed by the commissioner;
      (c) Provide periodic reports as determined by the court or in department rules, to the probation office and treatment provider, if applicable; if the offender is not placed on probation, to the arresting agency and the court of jurisdiction;
      (d) Retain all data-logger records for 12 months after the end of the period to which the offender is sentenced;
      (e) Provide installation and service to those offenders determined by the court to be unable to pay the full cost of an interlock program by reserving for this purpose a hardship credit equal to 2 percent of the service provider's gross receipts, excluding the purchase or rental cost of the interlock device, which credit and free service shall be reported annually to the department; and
      (f) Provide a certificate of installation to the vehicle's owner upon installation of the device in a form to be determined by the department's interlock rules.
Source. 2006, 260:1, eff. Jan. 1, 2007. 2007, 276:2, eff. July 3, 2007.