I. Before any test of a person's blood, urine, or breath specified in RSA 265-A:4 is given, the law enforcement officer, authorized agent, or peace officer shall:
      (a) Inform the arrested person of his or her right to have a similar test or tests made by a person of his or her own choosing;
      (b) Afford the arrested person an opportunity to request such additional test; and
      (c) Inform the arrested person of the consequences of his or her refusal to permit a test at the direction of the law enforcement officer.
   II. Before any post-arrest physical test specified in RSA 265-A:4 is given, the law enforcement officer, authorized agent, or peace officer shall inform the defendant of the consequences of the defendant's refusal to comply with the law enforcement officer's, authorized agent's, or peace officer's instructions for a post-arrest physical test.
   III. If the law enforcement officer, authorized agent, or peace officer fails to comply with the provisions of this section, the test shall be inadmissible as evidence in any proceeding before any administrative officer and court of this state.
Source. 2006, 260:1, eff. Jan. 1, 2007.