I. Whenever any way has been divided into 2 or more roadways by leaving an intervening space or by a physical barrier or clearly indicated dividing section so constructed as to impede vehicular traffic, every vehicle shall be driven only upon the right-hand roadway unless directed or permitted to use another roadway by official traffic control devices or police officers. No vehicle shall be driven over, across or within any such dividing space, barrier or section, except through an opening in such physical barrier or dividing section or space or at a cross-over or intersection as established, unless specifically permitted by public authority.
   II. With the exception of any state, federal, county or municipal vehicle or any agent thereof, operating in furtherance of their official duties or any vehicle in an emergency, no vehicle shall be driven to the right of the unbroken painted line marking the barrier between the travel portion of a divided way and the emergency breakdown lane, or to the left of the unbroken painted line marking the barrier between the travel portion of a divided way and the dividing space or barrier.
   III. The fine for a violation of this section shall be $150.
Source. RSA 262-A:25. 1963, 330:1. 1981, 146:1. 1987, 404:15. 1990, 62:22, eff. June 5, 1990. 2005, 177:26, eff. July 1, 2005. 2006, 259:14, eff. one day after passage of state operating budget for biennium ending June 30, 2009. 2007, 263:66. eff. June 29, 2007.