The owner, lessee, or person otherwise in control of a location at or adjacent to which one or more houseboats are anchored, beached, grounded or tied to the shore for an overnight period, or for any part of an overnight period, shall promptly thereafter give notice of this fact, in writing, to the New Hampshire department of environmental services, stating the number of houseboats moored at such location and the dates of such mooring. Any person who owns or controls a location at which spaces are rented or leased to the general public for the purpose of mooring houseboats at such location, shall keep a log of all houseboats moored at such locations, the name of the owner or other person in control of such houseboats, the registration number of the houseboat, and the dates of such mooring, which log shall be available for inspection at all reasonable times by any agent of the New Hampshire department of environmental services. When a houseboat is to be moored at the same location for an extended period of time, one written notification of such fact stating the period of time the houseboat will be so moored to the New Hampshire department of environmental services shall be sufficient to satisfy the requirements of this section. Such written notification shall not be required if the owner of the houseboat furnishes such information on his application for registration of the houseboat to the director of the division of motor vehicles in accordance with the provisions of RSA 270:4.
Source. 1967, 412:1. 1986, 202:6, I(a). 1996, 228:108, eff. July 1, 1996.