I. In the interest of public safety and the protection of property, it shall be the duty of the commissioner of safety, in all cases not provided for by the United States inspection laws and in all cases in which inspections are not regularly made thereunder, to provide for the inspection on any public waters of the state of all commercial and private boats and the machinery, appliances, and equipment thereof, such inspections to be performed by said commissioner of safety or his duly authorized representative. Said commissioner of safety shall also supervise the safety of navigation and the establishment of aids to navigation, and all lights and buoys maintained at public expense on the inland waters of the state shall be under the jurisdiction of said commissioner of safety. Said commissioner of safety shall make such alterations and improvements in existing lights and buoys as may be desirable, place additional lights and buoys where required to promote the safety of navigation, remove obstructions tending to impede navigation, and maintain all lights and buoys under its jurisdiction.
   II. In the interest of maintaining the residential, recreational and scenic values which New Hampshire public waters provide to residents of the state and to the promotion of our tourist industry, and in light of the fact that competing uses for the enjoyment of these waters, if not regulated for the benefit of all users, may diminish the value to be derived from them, it is hereby declared that the public waters of New Hampshire shall be maintained and regulated in such way as to provide for the safe and mutual enjoyment of a variety of uses, both from the shore and from water-borne conveyances. Such provisions shall take into consideration the following: the variety of special uses appropriate to our lakes, public safety, protection of environment and water quality, and the continued nurture of New Hampshire's threatened and endangered species.
   III. It is the intent of the legislature to recognize in RSA 270:42-46 that the cumulative effect of boats congregated as ""rafts'' differs from that of the same number of boats scattered and, therefore, requires specific appropriate regulation.
Source. 1941, 160:1. RL 181:1. RSA 270:1. 1983, 314:1. 1987, 124:6, I(c), eff. July 1, 1987.