I. The division shall issue a decal containing a control number for any mooring to any person who has completed the permit application procedure adopted pursuant to RSA 270:71 and met the requirements of this subdivision and applicable rules. A record of the issuance of the decal for a particular mooring shall be maintained by the division.
   II. The decal shall be affixed to the mooring buoy according to rules adopted by the division under RSA 541-A.
   III. If the decal is lost, destroyed, or removed from the mooring buoy, the owner shall notify the division as soon as possible and shall apply for a replacement decal.
   IV. Any decal issued pursuant to this subdivision shall be valid until December 31 of each year. Decals shall be renewed prior to the use of the mooring in the following year.
   V. A fee of $125 shall be charged for each initial decal issued pursuant to this subdivision which shall be deposited in the navigation safety fund established under RSA 270-E:6-a. An annual mooring fee of $50 for each mooring in a congregate mooring field and $25 for each mooring not in a congregate mooring field shall be charged for each decal renewed pursuant to this subdivision which shall be deposited in the navigation safety fund established under RSA 270-E:6-a.
   VI. A hearing shall not be required for the renewal of a permit for a congregate mooring field, unless there are changes in the permit or a hearing is requested after notice has been issued.
Source. 1987, 324:1. 1989, 284:6. 1995, 240:5, eff. Aug. 18, 1995. 1999, 193:5, eff. July 1, 1999. 2006, 75:1, eff. Jan. 1, 2007.