I. (a) No person shall dock, moor, make fast, or otherwise secure a vessel to a dock, mooring, or pier of another, knowing that the person is not licensed or privileged to do so.
      (b) No person shall anchor within an approved congregate or public mooring field.
   II. The commissioner of the department of safety may adopt rules pursuant to RSA 541-A relative to the operation, mooring or anchoring of commercial and construction vessels and barges.
   III. No person shall cause a vessel that he is operating or otherwise in control of, to remain secured in violation of this section in defiance of an order to move such vessel or have such vessel removed, which was personally communicated to him, whether verbally or in writing by the owner or authorized agent of the owner of the structure or other property or by a peace officer.
   IV. For the purpose of this section, the commissioner of safety or any peace officer with jurisdiction, may impound any vessel found to be in violation of this section or may order the removal and storage at a place of safekeeping of any such vessel. All reasonable charges of such impoundment, removal and storage shall be a lien against the boat.
   V. Any person who violates the provisions of this section or any rules adopted under this section shall be guilty of a violation for a first offense and a misdemeanor for any subsequent offense.
Source. 1987, 324:1. 1991, 369:5. 1995, 240:4, eff. Aug. 18, 1995.