I. No person shall use or operate any powerboat equipped with any petroleum-powered motor upon the waters of Spectacle Pond in the towns of Groton and Hebron; provided, however, that the contiguous property owners of the pond who own and operate petroleum-powered motors not in excess of 7.5 horsepower on said pond may continue to do so for the duration of their ownership of the property and the boat upon application and demonstration of hardship to the department of safety as provided in paragraph II. The use of these permitted petroleum-powered motor boats shall be limited to travel to and from the public landing and the owner's property.
   II. The department of safety may, upon application, issue hardship permits to persons with a disability as defined in RSA 275-C:1, II and to landowners whose property abuts Spectacle Pond and is not served by an access road.
   III. The operator of the exempted boat shall present such a permit to anyone who requests to inspect it.
   IV. The department of safety shall enforce the ban of petroleum-powered motorcraft on Spectacle Pond in the towns of Groton and Hebron. Whoever violates any provisions of this section shall be guilty of a violation.
Source. 1989, 339:2. 1990, 140:2, VIII, eff. June 18, 1990. 2007, 72:1, eff. June 11, 2007.