All apprenticeship agreements submitted for approval and registration shall meet the following minimum standards:
   I. A statement of the trade or craft to be taught and the required hours for completion of the apprenticeship shall be established by agreement under RSA 278:3 and 278:7, but in no case shall it be less than 2000 hours.
   II. A statement of the processes in the trade or craft divisions in which the apprentice is to be taught and the approximate amount of time to be spent at each process;
   III. A statement of the number of hours to be spent by the apprentice in work and the number of hours to be spent in related and supplemental instruction which instruction shall be not less than 144 hours per year;
   IV. A statement that apprentices shall be not less than 16 years of age;
   V. Provision for a period of probation, not exceeding 6 months or 1,000 hours, during which period, the council shall terminate or cancel the registration of an apprenticeship agreement at the request in writing of any party thereto. After the probationary period, the apprenticeship advisory council shall terminate or cancel the registration of an apprenticeship agreement upon request in writing of both parties or upon just cause shown;
   VI. Provision for ""an increasing schedule of wages'' which shall average, over the required hours or years for completion, not less than approximately 1/2 of the journeyman's rate;
   VII. Provision that the services of the apprenticeship advisory council may be utilized for consultation regarding the settlement of differences arising out of the apprenticeship agreement where such differences cannot be adjusted locally or in accordance with the established trade procedure;
   VIII. Provision that if an employer is unable to fulfill his or her obligations under the apprenticeship agreement he or she may arrange for the transfer of the agreement to another employer after consent by the apprentice and approval by the OA and the council and the new employer;
   IX. A statement as to the ratio of apprentices to journeymen or number of apprentices to be employed during any year under the program. Where the apprenticeship standards provide for a workforce ratio of one apprentice for one journeyman for the first 5 apprentices and 3 additional journeymen for each additional apprentice thereafter, no standard shall have the effect of requiring the employment of any greater number of journeymen per apprentice;
   X. Provision for the granting of credit to apprentices for previous work experience or related and supplemental training; and
   XI. Provision for supervision and the keeping of records.
Source. 1947, 166:1, par. 7. RSA 278:8. 1979, 198:1, eff. June 11, 1979. 1999, 268:1, eff. Sept. 10, 1999. 2007, 241:8-10, eff. Aug. 24, 2007.