The commissioner or his authorized representatives and the chairman of any appeal tribunal may require from any employing unit any sworn or unsworn reports or statements, with respect to persons employed by it, which either deems necessary for the effective administration of this chapter. Information thus obtained or obtained from any individual, claimant or employing unit pursuant to the administration of this chapter shall be held confidential and shall not be published or open to public inspection in any manner revealing the individual's or employing unit's identity except:
   I. That an employing unit may inspect, at the convenience of the commissioner, records and reports which pertain to his separate account, and records and reports of claimants where the employing unit was the last employing unit or the employer whose separate account may be or has been charged with benefits paid to such claimant;
   II. That a claimant may inspect records and reports of an individual or employing unit which are directly connected with any claim for benefits which he may have made, including any which he has submitted in support of his claim for benefits; but he shall not be entitled to inspect the separate account or records directly connected therewith of any employing unit;
   III. That public employees in the performance of their public duties may inspect records and reports of an individual, an employing unit, or a claimant where such information will aid in the performance of their public duties;
   IV. That authorized federal employees granted access as provided in paragraph III shall be granted access on a case-by-case basis. In no event shall access to or copies of any database, whether written, electronic, or other, be provided to any agency, employee, or agent of the federal government except as required by federal or state law and duly authorized by the commissioner;
   V. That for the purpose of assessing governmental performance and accountability, the commissioner may provide information to the Wage Record Interchange System developed by the U.S. Department of Labor as administered by the U.S. Department of Labor, or its designee, and utilized by each state's Performance Accountability and Customer Information Agency (PACIA). The use of the information shall be limited to the purposes contained in the federal Workforce Investment Act or the Wagner-Peyser Act. Information under this paragraph shall only be provided upon a finding by the commissioner that sufficient guarantees of continued confidentiality are in place; and
   VI. That for the purpose of the Social Security Administration and the department of employment security establishing and verifying eligibility and payment amounts; and preventing and detecting waste, abuse, fraud and identity theft, the commissioner may enter into a reciprocal electronic data-exchange agreement with the Social Security Administration. The Social Security Administration's use of the information provided shall be limited to use in accordance with federal laws and regulations pertaining to prevention and detection of fraud, waste, and abuse in the Social Security Administration's programs, and the entitlement, eligibility, and benefit payment amounts of individuals under Title II or Title XVI of the Social Security Act. Authorized federal employees granted access as provided in this paragraph shall be granted access on a case by case basis as provided in paragraph III. Information under this paragraph shall only be provided upon a finding by the commissioner that sufficient guarantees of continued confidentiality are in place.
Source. 1917, 198:5. PL 175:5. 1935, 146:1. 1937, 178:1. 1939, 138:19-21. 1941, 103:32. RL 211:5; 218:9. 1945, 138:20. 1947, 59:19-21. 1949, 185:13. 1950, 5, pt. 18:4-11; 9:1. 1951, 105:1. 1953, 209:7; 265:1. RSA 282:9(M)(2). 1955, 77:2; 141:15, 21. 1957, 118:9-13. 1961, 88:30-35. 1963, 194:9. 1965, 208:10-13. 1967, 400:7, 10. 1969, 460:18, 19. 1973, 528:173, 174; 589:8. 1975, 393:3. 1981, 408:3, eff. Oct. 1, 1981. 2001, 106:1, eff. June 26, 2001. 2007, 307:1, eff. Sept. 11, 2007.