It shall be a condition precedent to the cessation of payment of benefits to any individual that he be given an opportunity to appear in person at a designated office in accordance with the commissioner's rules to be heard relative to his continued entitlement to benefits. His failure to appear within the designated period shall be deemed a waiver of such right, and he shall be bound by the determination unless he appeals as provided in RSA 282-A:48.
Source. 1937, 178:1. 1939, 138:13. 1941, 103:21-23. RL 218:5. 1945, 138:11, 12. 1947, 59:14, 15. 1949, 185:7-10; 290:2. 1951, 36:2; 140:8; 142:7, 8. 1953, 209:4. RSA 282:5(B)(9). 1955, 71:1; 141:10, 11. 1957, 118:6. 1961, 88:10-16. 1965, 208:6, 7;373:2. 1969, 460:8-10. 1971, 156:23; 539:16-19. 1973, 119:1; 589:5, 6. 1981, 408:3, eff. Oct. 1, 1981.