If a majority in interest of the proprietors of a building used as a place of public worship desire to have the building repaired, or to remove it to another location, or to change its interior arrangements and accommodations, and have signified such desire in writing to one of their number, that one may call a meeting of the proprietors to act upon the subject by giving to each proprietor in hand, or leaving at his abode, or depositing in the post office addressed to him, a notice stating the time, place and objects of the meeting at least 14 days before the day of the meeting.
Source. 1856, 1831:1. 1860, 2355:1. 1866, 4254:1. GS 140:6, 12. GL 154:6, 12. 1889, 29:1. PS 153:10. PL 233:10. RL 282:10.