Five or more persons of lawful age may associate together by articles of agreement to form a corporation, for any of the following purposes:
   I. The promotion of the cause of temperance and of any charitable or religious cause.
   II. The establishment and maintenance of literary and scientific institutions, libraries, lyceums and musical, agricultural, literary, or scientific associations, the promotion of education and the arts and sciences by any other means and for mental improvement.
   III. The establishment and maintenance of hospitals, homes for the aged and for invalids, and other charitable institutions.
   IV. The provision of suitable grounds and other conveniences for the burial of the dead.
   V. The organization and maintenance of lodges of Free Masons, Odd Fellows, and other similar societies, and for social recreation and improvement.
   VI. The provision and care of walks, parks, recreational and athletic facilities, commons, roads and streets.
   VII. The planting, cultivation, and protection of shade, ornamental, and forest trees.
   VIII. The promotion of agriculture.
   IX. The promotion of the growth and prosperity of cities, towns, and villages, including provision for recreational and athletic facilities for public use.
   X. The promotion of law and order and the better enforcement of existing laws, or to prevent cruelty to animals.
   XI. The protection or propagation of fish and game, and for any other purpose not prohibited by law.
   XII. To provide industrial, commercial, manufacturing and warehouse facilities for the purpose of developing the growth and prosperity of the state, counties, cities, towns and villages.
   XIII. To serve and promote the recreational and athletic interests of the state of New Hampshire or any town or individual group thereof.
   XIV. The provision of mental health services.
   XV. Any other purpose for which an organization may be exempt from federal taxation under section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, and any amendments thereto.
Source. RS 145:1. 1846, 325:1. CS 152:1. 1866, 4224:1. GS 137:1; 138:1. 1872, 6:1. GL 151:1; 152:1. PS 147:1. 1895, 1:1. PL 223:1. RL 272:1. RSA 292:1. 1965, 74:1. 1967, 102:1; 359:2. 1969, 43:1. 1977, 407:1. 1991, 261:1-3, eff. Jan. 1, 1992.