Each proprietor, at a proprietary meeting, shall be entitled to vote upon the shares held by him, as follows: upon 2 shares or less, one vote each; upon every 2 shares exceeding 2 and not exceeding 10, one vote; upon every 4 shares exceeding 10 and not exceeding 30, one vote; upon every 6 shares exceeding 30 and not exceeding 60, one vote; and upon every 8 shares exceeding 60, one vote. If 2 or more persons are the joint proprietors of one or more shares they, or any one of them, may vote according to their interest therein in the same manner.
Source. RS 143:5. CS 151:5. GS 142:5. GL 156:5. PS 154:5. PL 235:5. RL 284:5.