I. All licenses issued by the board shall expire on the last day of the licensee's month of birth in the second year following the year of issuance, or upon such other biennial date as the board may adopt. The board shall cause notification of the impending license expiration to be sent to each licensee at least one month prior to the expiration of the license, along with a request for payment of a renewal fee. Licensees in good standing may renew their licenses by paying the renewal fee prior to the expiration date of the license, and by presenting evidence satisfactory to the board of completion of the continuing education requirements. If properly renewed, a license shall remain in effect continuously from the date of issuance, unless suspended or revoked by the board for just cause.
   II. If the renewal fee is not submitted within 12 months after the expiration date of the license, the licensee's name shall be removed from the mailing list and roster. The board, pursuant to rules adopted under RSA 310-A:143, shall charge up to a 20 percent late fee for each month or fraction of a month the renewal is late, up to 12 months, in addition to the renewal fee.
   III. If the renewal fee is not submitted within one year of the expiration date, an application for reinstatement shall be required and approved by the board to reinstate the license.
Source. 2006, 246:3, eff. July 1, 2006.