I. The board shall adopt rules, pursuant to RSA 541-A, relative to:
      (a) The application procedure for a license to practice under this subdivision;
      (b) The qualifications of applicants in addition to those requirements set by statute, and including the qualifications for satisfactory evidence of good professional character;
      (c) How an applicant shall be examined, including the time and place of the examination;
      (d) How a license to practice under this subdivision shall be renewed, including the requirements for continuing education;
      (e) The establishment of all fees required under this subdivision;
      (f) Ethical and professional standards required to be met by each holder of a license under this subdivision and how disciplinary actions by the board shall be implemented for violations of these standards;
      (g) Matters related to the proper administration of this subdivision;
      (h) Procedures for the conduct of hearings consistent with the requirements of due process;
      (i) The design of an official seal;
      (j) The salary of the board secretary;
      (k) Application procedures for and issuance of engineering certificates for business organizations;
      (l) What constitutes engineering experience for the purposes of RSA 310-A:12;
      (m) Procedures for a waiver of the fundamentals of engineering examination under RSA 310-A:12, II;
      (n) The circumstances under which an applicant may be required to take an oral or written examination under RSA 310-A:12, IV;
      (o) Interstate licensure and temporary permits under RSA 310-A:19;
      (p) Waiver of renewal fees for professional engineers 70 years of age or older under RSA 310-A:21;
      (q) Procedural and substantive requirements for assessing, compromising, and collecting civil penalties against licensees as authorized by RSA 310-A:23, V(f);
      (r) The requirements for retired status.
   II. [Repealed.]
   III. At least 40 days prior to any hearing to be held pursuant to RSA 541-A:11, the board shall furnish a copy of any proposed rules of professional conduct, or amendments thereto, to all affected professionals licensed by the board.
Source. 1981, 485:1. 1989, 247:1. 1994, 412:31. 1995, 284:7, 56-59, III. 1998, 204:1, eff. July 1, 1998.