In this subdivision:
   I. ""Board'' means the state board of natural scientists authorized to certify soil scientists and wetland scientists pursuant to this subdivision.
   I-a. ""Business organization'' means any enterprise, whether corporation, partnership, limited liability company, proprietorship, association, business trust, real estate trust, or other form of organization; organized for gain or profit, carrying on any business activity within the state.
   II. ""Certified soil scientist'' means a person who, by reason of special knowledge of pedological principles acquired by professional education and practical experience, as specified by RSA 310-A:84, I and II, is qualified to identify, classify, and prepare soil maps according to the standards of the National Cooperative Soil Survey, or standards adopted by the New Hampshire department of environmental services, or standards adopted by the board, and who has been duly certified by the board.
   II-a. ""Certified wetland scientist'' means a person who, by reason of his or her special knowledge of hydric soils, hydrophytic vegetation, and wetland hydrology acquired by course work and experience, as specified by RSA 310-A:84, II-a and II-b, is qualified to delineate wetland boundaries and prepare wetland maps in accordance with standards for identification of wetlands adopted by the New Hampshire department of environmental services or the United States Army Corps of Engineers or its successor, and who has been duly certified by the board.
   III. ""Pedological principles'' means, but is not limited to, the taxonomic identification, classification, and morphological description of soils as natural bodies.
   IV. ""Practice of soil science'' means any professional service that requires the application of pedological principles to identify, classify, and prepare maps delineating soils according to the standards of the National Cooperative Soil Survey or other standards approved by the board.
Source. 1988, 281:1. 1995, 136:30; 284:43. 1997, 240:2-4, eff. July 1, 1997.