I. A hearing shall be held on each written complaint received by the board, within 3 months of the date notice of a complaint was received by the accused, unless otherwise agreed to by the parties. All complaints shall be objectively received and fairly heard by the board.
   II. The board shall take no disciplinary action, except for failure to renew licensure, without a hearing. At least 14 days prior to hearing, both parties to a disciplinary proceeding shall be served, either personally or by registered mail, with a written copy of the complaint filed and notice of the time and place for hearing. Rehearings and appeals from a decision of the board relative to such disciplinary action shall be in accordance with RSA 541.
   III. Written notice of all disciplinary decisions made by the board shall be given to both parties to the proceeding upon their issuance.
Source. 1981, 491:11. 1987, 274:7, eff. May 25, 1987.