I. It shall be unlawful for any person to practice body piercing, branding, or tattooing without a license, unless such person is exempt under RSA 314-A:4.
   II. Licenses issued by the commissioner shall be valid for one year from the date of issue.
   III. Licenses shall be issued to any person who:
      (a) Makes application on a form prescribed by the commissioner;
      (b) Makes payment of fees required under RSA 314-A:6, III;
      (c) Has been practicing body piercing, branding, or tattooing in an establishment, under the supervision of a person practicing body piercing, branding, or tattooing in compliance with the applicable statutes and rules of the state for not less than 3 years. Out-of-state applicants shall provide proof of at least 3 years experience as a licensed practitioner in another state; and
      (d) Has completed a course approved by the department in methods and techniques for the proper sterilization of instruments and materials used in body piercing, branding, or tattooing.
Source. 2002, 195:1, eff. Jan. 1, 2003.