Except where disciplinary action has been taken by the board pursuant to RSA 315:9, the board shall issue the certificate for a licensed podiatrist to whoever satisfactorily passes an examination, and thereupon he shall have legal authority to diagnose and to treat by medical, mechanical, electrical and surgical means ailments of the human foot and lower leg. Allowable surgical treatment in a health care facility shall be determined by that health care facility credential committee, and such surgical treatment shall be performed at that health care facility. Such certificate shall not authorize the licensee to administer general anesthesia. Licenses shall not be issued for a period exceeding one year and shall be renewed as provided herein.
Source. 1919, 141:8; PL 208:6; RL 254:6; RSA 315:6; 1973, 140:20; 1991, 382:5; 1992, 63:1, eff. July 1, 1992.