I. An individual to whom or for whose use any controlled drug has been prescribed, sold, or dispensed by a practitioner or pharmacist, or other person authorized under the provisions of RSA 318-B:5 or 8, and the owner of any animal for which any such drug has been prescribed, sold or dispensed by a veterinarian, may lawfully possess it only in the container in which it was delivered to him by the person selling or dispensing the same.
   II. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph I, a person may lawfully possess a controlled drug other than in the container in which it was delivered to him by the person selling or dispensing the same, under the following conditions:
      (a) A person may possess one or more types of controlled drugs in a container which has been properly labelled by the person authorized to sell or dispense the same. The label shall show the name, address, and registry number of the pharmacy and the name of the patient for whom the drug has been prescribed. For each drug, the prescription identification number and the name and strength of the drug dispensed shall appear on the label. Each drug may only be possessed in a quantity not more than that originally dispensed.
      (b) A person may possess a controlled drug other than in the original container if that person has in his possession an identification card issued by the person authorized to sell or dispense the controlled drug. The identification card shall contain the same information as required by subparagraph II(a). Each drug may only be possessed in a quantity not more than that legally dispensed.
      (c) A person may possess a controlled drug other than in the original container if the non-original container is a medication organizer designed to aid the person in carrying out the prescriber's directions and the non-original container was organized by a nurse licensed under RSA 326-B who is an employee of a home health care or hospice agency licensed pursuant to RSA 151:2, and who is acting in the course of employment, provided the original prescription containers remain in the person's possession.
Source. 1969, 421:1. 1979, 244:1. 1983, 292:12. 2002, 281:8, eff. July 22, 2002.