In this chapter:
   I. ""Apprentice electrician'' means a person who is engaged in learning and assisting in making electrical installations under the direct supervision of a master or journeyman electrician.
   II. ""Board'' means the electricians' board.
   III. ""Electrical installations'' means the installation, repair, alteration and maintenance of electrical conductors, fittings, devices and fixtures for heating, lighting or power purposes, regardless of the voltage. The term does not include the installation or repair of portable appliances and other portable electrical equipment, installation of which involves only the insertion of an attachment plug into a fixed receptacle outlet. The word ""portable'' does not include or apply to any type of fixed electrically operated or driven equipment.
   III-a. ""High/medium voltage power distribution system installation'' means the installation, repair, alteration, and maintenance of electrical conductors, fittings, devices, fixtures, and equipment, from the source of supply to the first disconnecting means of a building or structure, for over 600 volt power distribution systems. The term shall also include the associated metering and controls of the distribution system, the secondary conductor terminations of the pad mount transformer, the underground conductors between the base of the pole and the secondary terminals of the pole mounted transformer, and the overhead conductors between the secondary terminals of the pole mounted transformer and the point of attachment to a building or structure, regardless of the voltage.
   III-b. ""High/medium voltage electrician'' means a person who, as a business, hires or employs another, as defined in administrative rules, to make electrical installations on high/medium voltage power distribution systems operating at over 600 volts, or without hiring another, makes electrical installations on high/medium voltage power distribution systems operating at over 600 volts, including associated controls and metering, as a principal or auxiliary business for their own account.
   III-c. ""Incidental electrical work'' means a job of minor consequence which occurs by chance, not needing calculations.
   IV. ""Journeyman electrician'' means a person doing work of installing electrical wires, conduits, apparatus, fixtures and other electrical equipment. A journeyman electrician shall be employed by a master electrician, except as provided in RSA 319-C:10. Each journeyman electrician may have one apprentice electrician working with him and under his personal supervision. Each journeyman electrician shall work under the direction and supervision of a master electrician.
   V. ""Master electrician'' means a person who, as a business, hires or employs another to do electrical work, or, without hiring another, makes electrical installations as a principal or auxiliary business for his own account.
Source. 1975, 485:1. 1976, 16:1. 1981, 356:3-5. 1994, 238:1, 2. 2001, 266:1, 2, eff. July 1, 2001.