I. [Repealed.]
   II. After June 30, 1976, the board shall issue a license as a master or journeyman electrician to any person who files an application and meets the following qualifications:
      (a) Between 2 and 4 years' service as an apprentice electrician. The board may give credit toward such service for the satisfactory completion of a course of instruction in the field at a school recognized by the board; and
      (b) Satisfactory passing of an examination conducted by said board as provided in RSA 319-C:8 to determine his fitness to receive such license.
   II-a. The board shall issue a license as a high/medium voltage electrician to any person who files an application and meets the following qualifications:
      (a) Shows proof of successfully completing a state, national, or employer certification program approved by the board or;
      (b) Prior to January 1, 2003, shows proof of having been employed for a minimum of 5 years as a high/medium voltage electrician working for a company with an approved training program.
   III. All persons licensed by the board shall receive a certificate under the seal of the board and with the signature of the board chairman, which must be publicly displayed at the principal place of business of said electrician, or, if no such place of business, must be carried on his person and displayed at any time upon request, as long as said person continues in the business as herein defined. The certificate shall specify the name of the person licensed who, in the case of a firm, shall be one of its members or employees and, in the case of a corporation, one of its officers or employees passing the examination. In the case of a firm or corporation, the license shall be void upon the death of or the severance from the company of said person.
   IV. Apprentice electricians shall register with the board.
Source. 1975, 485:1. 1981, 356:9, 17. 1994, 238:5, 6. 2001, 266:3, eff. July 1, 2001. 2004, 63:2, eff. July 1, 2004.