I. There shall be a midwifery council consisting of 6 members to be appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the executive council. Members shall be appointed for 4-year terms. No member shall be appointed to more than 2 consecutive terms. All members of the council shall have been residents of this state for at least 5 years preceding appointment and shall include:
      (a) An obstetrician licensed to practice medicine under RSA 329 with experience in working with midwives certified pursuant to this chapter.
      (b) A pediatrician licensed to practice medicine under RSA 329 with experience in working with midwives certified pursuant to this chapter.
      (c) Three midwives certified under this chapter, who have each attended at least 50 deliveries as midwives.
      (d) One member of the general public who has familiarity with the practice of midwifery.
   II. Members appointed to the council shall serve without compensation.
   III. The council shall be administratively attached, under RSA 21-G:10, to the department of health and human services.
   IV. Members of the council shall elect a chairperson annually from among their members. The council shall meet at least quarterly and may hold additional meetings at such times as it may deem necessary. A quorum of the council shall consist of no fewer than 4 members.
Source. 1999, 213:8, eff. July 6, 1999.