I. The board shall have the authorities, powers and duties set forth in RSA 328-F.
   II. In addition, the board shall:
      (a) Elect officers from among its members for terms of one year.
      (b) Provide information to the public and its licensees regarding the complaint process.
      (c) Provide timely orientation of new professional and public appointees to the board regarding duties, powers and procedures of the board.
      (d) Advise the board of directors of the office of licensed allied health professionals of matters regarding respiratory care.
      (e) Keep information confidential in accordance with the confidentiality requirements of RSA 328-F.
      (f) Keep confidential patient records, patient files, reports relating to patients, oral statements relating to diagnostic findings or treatment of patients, information from which a patient or his or her family may be identified and information received and records kept by the board as a result of an investigation, except when these become part of a disciplinary hearing or are required to be disclosed by the order of a court.
   III. The board may refer the unlawful practice of respiratory care to the attorney general's office for prosecution regardless of whether the person or entity ceases the unlawful practice.
Source. 2003, 310:2, eff. July 1, 2003.