I. The purpose of a provisional license is to permit an individual to practice speech-language pathology while completing the postgraduate professional experience required for initial licensure. The board shall issue a provisional license to an applicant who has met the eligibility requirements for initial licensure except for completion of the required postgraduate professional experience and has completed the application procedure for initial licensure except for submitting documentation of completion of the postgraduate professional experience.
   II. A holder of a provisional license is authorized to practice speech-language pathology under the direction and supervision of a speech-language pathologist currently licensed in this state.
   III. A holder of a provisional license practicing speech-language pathology full time shall complete 9 months of postgraduate professional experience in accordance with rules adopted by the board.
   IV. A holder of a provisional license practicing speech-language pathology less than full time shall complete the postgraduate professional experience within the time period specified by the board in rules adopted pursuant to RSA 541-A.
   V. A provisional license shall expire automatically on the date stated on the license.
   VI. The board is authorized to issue conditional provisional licenses in accordance with rules adopted pursuant to RSA 541-A.
Source. 2003, 310:3, eff. July 1, 2003.