I. Initial licenses and renewals shall be valid for 2 years, except that timely and complete application for license renewal by eligible applicants shall continue the validity of the licenses being renewed until the governing board has acted on the renewal application. Licenses issued pursuant to RSA 328-A, RSA 326-G, and RSA 326-J shall expire in even-numbered years and licenses issued pursuant to RSA 326-C, RSA 326-E, and RSA 326-F shall expire in odd-numbered years.
   II. Each governing board shall renew the licenses of applicants who meet the eligibility requirements and complete the application procedure.
   III. Applicants shall submit completed applications for renewal on or before December 1 of the renewal year. Completed renewal applications submitted between December 2 and December 31 of the renewal year shall be accompanied by a late filing fee. Licenses shall lapse when completed renewal applications have not been filed by December 31 of the renewal year, and their holders are not authorized to practice until the licenses have been reinstated.
   IV. The governing boards shall provide licensees, on or before November 1 of their renewal years, with materials needed to complete their renewal applications, but failure of any licensees to receive these materials shall not relieve them of the obligation to comply with the rules of the governing boards and this section. Timeliness of submission of renewal applications shall be evidenced by postmark or, for applications delivered by hand, by date stamp or other record made at the time of delivery.
   V. Upon the request of a licensee who is a member of any reserve component of the armed forces of the United States or the national guard and is called to active duty, the governing board shall place the person's license on inactive status. The license may be reactivated within one year of the licensee's release from active status by payment of the renewal fee and with proof of completion of the most current continuing education requirement unless still within the renewal period.
Source. 1997, 287:1. 2003, 310:50, eff. July 1, 2003. 2006, 220:6, eff. July 1, 2007. 2009, 192:1, eff. Sept. 11, 2009.