I. Persons and entities regulated by the state, including but not limited to, licensees, insurance companies, health care organizations, and health care facilities shall report to the board of directors and the appropriate governing board any criminal conviction of a licensee or any determination by a regulatory agency indicating that a licensee has violated this chapter or the practice act of the licensee's governing board. Persons and entities so reporting shall be immune from civil liability if the report is made in good faith.
   II. Every individual, agency, facility, institution or organization regulated by the state and employing licensed allied health professionals within the state shall report to the appropriate governing board within 30 days any act by a licensee that appears to constitute misconduct. Persons and entities so reporting shall be immune from civil liability if the report is made in good faith.
   III. An administrative fine of $500 shall be imposed on any person or entity failing to make a report required by this section.
   IV. Persons submitting to any governing board a complaint of misconduct by its licensee shall be immune from civil liability if the complaint is made in good faith.
   V. Persons or entities testifying or providing information or documents to a governing board in connection with an investigation or disciplinary proceeding carried out by the board shall be immune from civil liability if their testimony or actions are made in good faith.
   VI. The governing boards shall not disclose the identity of persons or entities that provide information pursuant to this section unless their identities are revealed in the course of disciplinary proceedings or are required to be disclosed by a court of law.
Source. 1997, 287:1. 2003, 310:55, eff. July 1, 2003.