I. The board shall have the authority to appoint such inspectors as are necessary to insure compliance throughout the state with plumbing practices consistent with the public safety and welfare.
   II. An inspector appointed under this section shall have the authority to enter any premises in which a plumbing installation subject to regulation under this chapter is being installed, replaced or repaired for the purpose of making such inspection as is necessary to carry out his duties under this section.
   III. Any inspector may order the removal or correction of any violation of this chapter, and may order any public utility furnishing water to such installation to discontinue such service until the violations are corrected.
   IV. Whenever an inspector orders the removal or correction of a violation under paragraph III, he or she shall immediately notify the local building inspection department or administrative authority of the town where the violation is located, and further order that all the work in violation be corrected prior to continuance. The local building authority shall approve the continuation of work on the installation upon being satisfied that violations have been corrected and shall notify the inspector of such approval.
Source. 1985, 286:1, eff. Aug. 10, 1985. 2006, 319:19, eff. July 1, 2006.