I. The board shall make no final decision concerning the qualifications of a new or reinstatement applicant until it has received the results of all required examinations, criminal history record checks, and all third-party certifications required to be submitted with the license application, and the time periods specified by RSA 541-A:29 shall be calculated from the date the last of the required documents is received by the board.
   II. No application shall be granted unless the board finds that the applicant possesses the necessary educational, character and other professional qualifications to practice medicine, and that no circumstances exist which would be grounds for disciplinary action against a licensed physician pursuant to RSA 329:17, I.
   III. The board shall grant an unrestricted permanent license to persons it finds to have the necessary professional qualifications. The board may also, by consent or after notice and the opportunity to be heard, resolve issues concerning professional qualifications or circumstances that would be grounds for non-disciplinary remedial action against a licensed physician by granting a temporary license, or a temporary or permanent license with restrictions.
   IV. Licenses shall be signed and dated by the president of the board, stating that the licensee is authorized to engage in the practice of medicine, be numbered consecutively, and be recorded.
   V. (a) The board shall issue special training licenses to persons of good professional character who are enrolled in a regular residency or graduate fellowship training program accredited by the Council on Graduate Medical Education, and who possess such further education and training as the board may require by rule.
      (b) Persons holding training licenses shall be subject to the disciplinary provisions of RSA 329:17 and such additional professional character and competency requirements as the board may require by rule.
      (c) Training licenses shall be confined to activities performed in the course of the qualifying residency or graduate fellowship training program, shall expire automatically upon the licensee's separation from the residency or graduate fellowship training program for any reason, and may be issued on a restricted or conditional basis.
   VI. The board may issue special licenses containing conditions, limitations, or restrictions, including licenses limited to specific periods of time in accordance with rules adopted under RSA 329:9, VIII.
   VII. The board may issue courtesy licenses authorizing the practice of medicine under limited conditions as defined by the board by rule. Courtesy licenses shall not exceed 100 days and shall be limited in location. All applicants shall hold an active, unrestricted license in another state and meet the same character qualifications as other licensees.
   VIII. The board may issue licenses authorizing the practice of medicine limited to administrative medicine for physicians whose practice does not include the provision of clinical services to patients.
Source. 1915, 167:10. PL 204:12. RL 250:12. RSA 329:14. 1975, 186:7. 1977, 417:8. 1992, 179:3. 1993, 179:4. 1994, 412:41. 1995, 286:12, 13. 2002, 37:7, eff. April 19, 2002. 2005, 154:1, eff. Aug. 20, 2005. 2007, 303:3, eff. Sept. 11, 2007. 2009, 206:11, 12, eff. July 1, 2009.