As a condition of renewal of license, the board shall require each licensee to show proof at least at every biennial license renewal that the licensee has completed 100 hours of approved continuing medical education program within the preceding 2 years. For the purposes of this section, an approved continuing medical education program is a program designed to continue the education of the licensee in current developments, skills, procedures, or treatment in the licensee's field of practice, which has been certified by a national, state, or county medical society or college or university. There shall be a complete audit of all continuing education credits annually by the New Hampshire Medical Society. Each licensee shall submit a continuing medical education report with copies of continuing medical education course certificates earned by the licensee and other documents which establish that continuing medical education course requirements have been met, using a form approved by the board. The complete audit shall include the collection, review, verification, and preservation of the continuing medical education documentation of each licensed physician and a report which records the credits awarded to each licensee during the 2-year period applicable to each licensee. The fee charged to licensees for continuing medical education verification shall not exceed 125 percent of the actual cost of providing the service. The New Hampshire Medical Society is prohibited from using any information from this program for promotional purposes or any other purpose not necessary for continuing education verification.
Source. 1977, 417:17. 1995, 286:15. 2001, 183:1, eff. Sept. 3, 2001. 2008, 254:1, eff. Aug. 25, 2008. 2009, 206:19, eff. July 1, 2009.