I. There shall be a board of veterinary medicine consisting of 7 members: 5 veterinarians, the state veterinarian, and one public member. The members, other than the state veterinarian, shall be appointed by the governor, with the approval of the council, to a term of 5 years, and until a successor is appointed. No appointed member of the board shall be appointed to 2 consecutive 5-year terms. Vacancies shall be filled for the remainder of the term and in the same manner as the original appointment. Any appointed member of the board may be removed by the governor after a hearing by the board determines cause for removal. The state veterinarian may serve as an ex officio member, provided any duties of the state veterinarian relative to this chapter shall be agreed upon in writing by the board and the commissioner of agriculture, markets, and food and which agreement may include:
      (a) Supervision of the board's administrative office and employees;
      (b) Assistance with administrative activities;
      (c) Submission of periodic reports to the board; and
      (d) Participation in complaint investigations.
   II. When a vacancy has occurred, or is due to occur in a veterinary position on the board, the New Hampshire Veterinary Medical Association shall nominate 3 qualified persons and forward the nominations to the governor. The governor may make appointments from those nominated by the association, but shall not be required to appoint one of those so nominated.
   III. Each appointed member of the board shall be paid $75 for each day or portion of a day of at least 3 consecutive hours in which the member is engaged in the work of the board, in addition to such reimbursement for travel and other expenses as is normally allowed to state employees.
   IV. The board shall be an administratively attached agency, under RSA 21-G:10, to the department of agriculture, markets, and food.
Source. 1971, 328:1. 1981, 490:3. 1985, 416:10. 1987, 289:4. 1995, 130:4; 183:2, 3. 1999, 314:9, eff. Jan. 1, 2000.