There shall be paid to the secretary of state for filing of registration and issuance of certificate of registration a fee of $50. Upon payment of said fee, the secretary of state shall deliver to the person filing and registering such trade name a certificate of registration under his signature and state seal showing the name and address of the person or persons claiming ownership of the trade name, the nature of the business thereby reserved and described and a receipt for the payment of said fee. The fee for renewal of any registration shall be $50. The fee for notice of discontinuance, addition, or withdrawal shall be $10. The secretary shall keep a suitable file or record of all such certificates. He shall prepare blanks for such certificates, and shall, upon request, furnish such blanks to persons, partnerships, or associations.
Source. 1919, 57:4. PL 155:5. RL 186:5. 1949, 265:10. RSA 349:6. 1955, 59:2; 284:1 par. 7. 1969, 289:7. 1977, 563:36. 1985, 339:17. 1989, 408:71, eff. Aug. 4, 1989.