I. There shall be recorded simultaneously with the declaration one or more site plans of survey showing the location and dimensions of the submitted land, the location and dimensions of any convertible lands within the submitted land, the location and dimensions of any existing improvements, the intended location and dimensions of any contemplated improvements which are to be located on any portion of the submitted land other than within the boundaries of any convertible lands, and, to the extent feasible, the location and dimensions of all easements appurtenant to the submitted land or otherwise submitted to this chapter as a part of the common areas. If the submitted land is not contiguous, then the site plans shall indicate the distance between the parcels constituting the submitted land. The site plans shall label every convertible land as a convertible land, and if there be more than one such land the site plans shall label each such land with one or more letters or numbers or both different from those designating any other convertible land and different also from the identifying number of any unit. The site plans shall show the location and dimensions of any withdrawable lands, and shall label each such land as a withdrawable land. If, with respect to any portion or portions, but less than all, of the submitted land, the unit owners are to own only an estate for years, the site plans shall show the location and dimensions of any such portions, and shall label each such portion as a leased land. If there is more than one withdrawable land, or more than one leased land, the site plans shall label each such land with one or more letters or numbers or both different from those designating any convertible land or other withdrawable or leased land, and different also from the identifying number of any unit. The site plans shall show all easements to which the submitted land or any portion thereof is subject, and shall show the location and dimensions of all such easements to the extent feasible. The site plans shall also show all encroachments by or on any portion of the condominium. In the case of any improvements located or to be located on any portion of the submitted land other than within the boundaries of any convertible lands, the site plans shall indicate which, if any, have not been begun by the use of the phrase ""(NOT YET BEGUN)'' and which, if any, have been begun but have not been substantially completed by the use of the phrase ""(NOT YET COMPLETED).'' In the case of any units the vertical boundaries of which lie wholly or partially outside of structures for which floor plans pursuant to paragraph II are simultaneously recorded, the site plans shall show the location and dimensions of such vertical boundaries to the extent that they are not shown on such floor plans, and the units or portions thereof thus depicted shall bear their identifying numbers. Each site plan shall be certified as to its accuracy and compliance with the provisions of this paragraph by a registered land surveyor, and the said surveyor shall certify that all units or portions thereof depicted on any portion of the submitted land other than within the boundaries of any convertible lands have been substantially completed. The specification within this paragraph of items that shall be shown on the site plans shall not be construed to mean that the site plans shall not also show all other items customarily shown or hereafter required for land title surveys.
   II. There shall also be recorded, simultaneously with the declaration, floor plans of every structure which contains or constitutes all or part of any unit or units, and which is located on any portion of the submitted land other than within the boundaries of any convertible lands. The floor plans shall show the location and dimensions of the vertical boundaries of each unit to the extent that such boundaries lie within or coincide with the boundaries of such structures, and the units or portions thereof thus depicted shall bear their identifying numbers. In addition, each convertible space thus depicted shall be labeled a convertible space. The horizontal boundaries of each unit having horizontal boundaries shall be identified on the floor plans with reference to established datum. Unless the condominium instruments expressly provide otherwise, it shall be presumed that in the case of any unit not wholly contained within or constituting one or more such structures, the horizontal boundaries thus identified extend, in the case of each such unit, at the same elevation with regard to any part of such unit lying outside of such structures, subject to the following exception: in the case of any such unit which does not lie over any other unit other than basement units, it shall be presumed that the lower horizontal boundary, if any, of that unit lies at the level of the ground with regard to any part of that unit lying outside of such structures. The floor plans shall be certified as to their accuracy and compliance with the provisions of this paragraph by a registered architect, registered engineer or licensed land surveyor, and such architect, engineer or land surveyor shall certify that all units or portions of units depicted on the floor plan as completed have been substantially completed.
   III. When converting all or any portion of any convertible land, or adding additional land to an expandable condominium, the declarant shall record new site plans of survey conforming to the requirements of paragraph I. (In any case where less than all of a convertible land is being converted, such site plans shall show the location and dimensions of the remaining portion or portions of such land in addition to otherwise conforming with the requirements of paragraph I.) At the same time, the declarant shall record, with regard to any structures on the land being converted, or added, either floor plans conforming to the requirements of paragraph II, or certifications, conforming to the certification requirements of said subsection, of floor plans previously recorded pursuant to RSA 356-B:21.
   IV. When converting all or any portion of any convertible space into one or more units or limited common areas, or both, the declarant shall record, with regard to the structure or portion of such structure constituting that convertible space, floor plans showing the location and dimensions of the horizontal and vertical boundaries of each unit or limited common areas, or both, formed out of such space. Such plans shall be certified as to their accuracy and compliance with the provisions of this paragraph by a registered architect, registered engineer or licensed land surveyor.
   V. For the purposes of paragraphs I, II and III, all provisions and requirements relating to units shall be deemed equally applicable to limited common areas. The limited common areas shall be labeled as such, and each limited common area depicted on the site plans and floor plans shall bear the identifying number or numbers of the unit or units to which it is assigned, if it has been assigned, unless the provisions of RSA 356-B:12, V, make such designations unnecessary.
Source. 1977, 468:1. 1990, 6:1, 2. 1991, 110:3, eff. May 13, 1991.