I. No rental referral agency shall charge or attempt to collect any fee or other consideration from any prospective tenant except pursuant to a written contract which shall be delivered to the prospective tenant at the time the contract is signed. Every contract must constitute the entire agreement between the parties, shall be dated, and shall be signed by the prospective tenant.
   II. Every written contract between a rental referral agency and a prospective tenant shall further include provisions stating:
      (a) The specifications of rental property sought by the prospective tenant, including maximum rent, desired lease period, geographic area, number of bedrooms required, number of occupants to be housed, and number and type of pets.
      (b) That any deposit in excess of $10 shall be repaid or refunded to the prospective tenant, upon demand, should the specified rental property not be obtained through the agency's assistance within 30 days of the contract.
      (c) That the full deposit or fee shall be repaid or refunded to the prospective tenant if the information concerning rental properties is not accurate or current as required by RSA 358-H:4, I.
      (d) That the rental referral agency will maintain a surety bond in compliance with RSA 358-H:8 and identifying the bonding company.
      (e) The manner in which the rental property information has been collected and the form in which it will be furnished to the prospective tenant.
      (f) The name, address, and telephone number of the person to whom complaints and requests for refunds should be directed.
Source. 1983, 438:1, eff. June 24, 1983.