I. Every consumer reporting agency shall, upon request and proper identification of any consumer, clearly and accurately disclose to the consumer:
      (a) The nature and substance of all information (except medical information) in its files on the consumer at the time of the request.
      (b) The sources of the information, except that the sources of information acquired solely for use in preparing an investigative consumer report and actually used for no other purpose need not be disclosed; provided, that in the event an action is brought under this chapter, such sources shall be available to the plaintiff under appropriate discovery procedures in the court in which the action is brought.
      (c) The recipients of any consumer report on the consumer which it has furnished:
         (1) for employment purposes within the 2-year period preceding the request, and
         (2) for any other purpose within the 6-month period preceding the request.
   II. The requirements of paragraph I respecting the disclosure of sources of information and the recipients of consumer reports do not apply to information received or consumer reports furnished prior to August 29, 1971, except to the extent that the matter involved is contained in the files of the consumer reporting agency on that date.
   III. Whenever an investigative consumer report is requested by any person, the consumer reporting agency shall furnish to the consumer investigated upon his request, and upon payment by the consumer investigated of a reasonable copy fee, the following:
      (a) A copy of the investigative consumer report it has prepared;
      (b) The information specified in paragraph I;
      (c) The names of all the sources of information in its files on the consumer which were actually used in the preparation of the investigative consumer report; and
      (d) The names of all persons to whom the investigative consumer report was sent.
Source. 1971, 430:1. 1973, 583:1, eff. Sept. 4, 1973.