For the enforcement of the provisions of this chapter, the commissioner is authorized to appoint, subject to the provisions of the personnel law, such personnel as are necessary. The salary, traveling expenses, and all expenses of administration and enforcement of the provisions of this chapter shall be paid out of fees received from licenses issued under this chapter, and funds collected pursuant to RSA 383:11.
   I. For the enforcement of the provisions of this chapter, the commissioner shall appoint and designate, subject to the provisions of the personnel law, personnel to respond to consumer complaints and enforce this chapter. Such personnel shall request the assistance and services of the consumer protection and antitrust bureau of the department of justice when appropriate. The salary, traveling expenses, and all expenses of administration and enforcement of the provisions of this chapter shall be paid out of fees received from licenses issued under this chapter, and funds collected pursuant to RSA 383:11.
   II. Any unfair or deceptive trade practice that is not addressed under the provisions of this chapter shall be referred to the consumer protection and antitrust bureau for enforcement under the provisions of RSA 358-A.
   III. The commissioner may share information with state and federal regulators, and may share information with law enforcement agencies for the purposes of criminal investigations.
Source. 1961, 193:1. 1997, 322:10. 2003, 129:14. 2004, 141:3, eff. July 23, 2004. 2009, 204:9, eff. Sept. 13, 2009.