In this subdivision:
   I. ""Adjudicative proceeding'' means the procedure to be followed in contested cases before the commission, as set forth in RSA 541-A:31 through RSA 541-A:35.
   II. ""Advise'' means to discuss, converse or communicate regarding testimony, written comments, discovery, motions, stipulations, evidence, memoranda of law, briefs, findings, conclusions, decisions or orders in an adjudicative proceeding other than as a participant in the course of public proceedings.
   III. ""Decisional employee'' means any commissioner, presiding officer or staff member in an adjudicative proceeding who is specifically assigned to render a decision or make findings of fact and conclusions of law or to assist or advise the commission or presiding officer with respect to issues of law, fact or procedure, in accordance with this subdivision.
   IV. ""Nonadjudicative proceeding'' means any proceeding which is not adjudicative or which precedes the commencement of an adjudicative proceeding.
   V. ""Party'' means an applicant, respondent, petitioner, participant, defendant, complainant, or intervenor in an adjudicative proceeding, and any agent or other person acting on behalf of the above.
   VI. ""Presiding officer'' means the person designated by the commission to preside over a commission proceeding, as described in RSA 363:17. The presiding officer may be a member of the commission or any qualified member of its staff.
   VII. ""Staff'' means the employees of the commission and any consultants and other contractors retained by the commission for the purpose of assisting the commission and its employees in providing advice or information, or for the purpose of supplementing the work of the commission and its employees.
   VIII. ""Staff advocate'' means any staff member who is specifically assigned to advocate as a party with respect to issues arising in an adjudicative proceeding, whether by written or oral testimony, comments or otherwise, in accordance with this subdivision.
Source. 1994, 414:1, eff. Aug. 10, 1994.