I. If they decide that the public good requires the proposed railroad, the secretary of state, upon receipt of a copy of such decision, shall issue to the corporation a certificate substantially in the following form:
   Be it known that whereas ... have associated themselves together with the intention of forming a corporation under the name of the ..., for the purpose of locating, constructing, maintaining and operating a railroad (description of road as in articles of agreement), and have complied with the laws of the state relating thereto; therefore, I, ..., secretary of state, do hereby certify that the said persons, their associates and successors, are legally established as a corporation under the name aforesaid, having all the powers and privileges, and being subject to all the duties, liabilities and restrictions of similar corporations under the laws of this state.
   In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of state this ... day of ... in the year ...
[L.S.] ..............., secretary of state.
   II. The secretary of state shall record such certificate in connection with the articles of agreement previously recorded in his office. The provisional corporation shall thereupon become a railroad corporation having all the powers and privileges, and being subject to all the duties, liabilities and restrictions, of similar corporations, except so far as the same are limited or enlarged by this chapter.
Source. 1883, 100:5. PS 156:14. PL 246:14. RL 296:14.