Pursuant to the policy established under RSA 378:37, each electric utility shall file a least cost integrated resource plan with the commission at least biennially. Each such plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
   I. A forecast of future electrical demand for the utility's service area.
   II. An assessment of demand-side energy management programs, including conservation, efficiency improvement, and load management programs.
   III. An assessment of supply options.
   IV. An assessment of transmission requirements.
   V. Provision for diversity of supply sources.
   VI. Integration of demand-side and supply-side options.
   VII. An assessment of plan integration and impact on state compliance with the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990.
   VIII. An assessment of plan integration and impact on state compliance with the National Energy Policy Act of 1992.
   IX. An assessment of the plan's long- and short-term environmental, economic and energy price and supply impact on the state.
Source. 1990, 226:1. 1994, 362:4, eff. June 8, 1994.